Here are our latest news stories. You can also follow us on X @RomanFindsGrp.
Call for Papers and Save the Date for the next online conference ‘Recent Research on Roman Finds from the North-West Provinces’.
This willbe a free to attend online event on Friday 8thNovember, with a wide-reaching theme and including speakers from the UK,France, Netherlands, Germany and further afield. The conference will be held via Zoom, with the option to speak live or by sending a pre-recording video. Talks should be…
Unusually large find of seals and amulets in ancient sanctuary in Turkey
More than 600 Ancient Seals and Amulets Found Classical scholars…
9th November 2013 150 years of Roman Yorkshire
Conference marking 150 years of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society. Full…
30th November 2013 Romano-British Towns Conference
Assessing the Impact of Commercial Archaeology on the Towns of…
2nd November 2013 Health and Medicine in the Roman World British Museum
In collaboration with the Association for Roman Archaeology. Full details…
Online Course: Pompeii and the Cities of the Roman World
Sera Baker, who attended the RFG Meeting at the British…
Conference Dates
27es Rencontres de l’AFAV # 9-10 novembre 2012 # Musée…