Video Presentations from the 2021 Roman Finds Group Conference
Here you will find a selection of the presentations that were made to the Roman Finds Group 2021 Conference in Exeter.
Professor Stephen Rippon, University of Exeter: Dumnonian identity and life on the edge of the Roman Empire (Pre-recorded).
Felix Sadebeck, University of Exeter: Roman Cattle in the south-west and what they tell us. (Pre-recorded)
Lindsay Banfield, Universities of Reading and Exeter, AHRC SWW DTP: Making flour the German way: Imported lava querns and millstones in rural Roman Britain (Live)
Laura Burnett, University of Exeter: Articulating a new form of hinged bracelet from South and West Britain (Pre-recorded).
Henrietta Quinnell, University of Exeter: Stone bowls, mortars and weights – a distinctive Cornish tradition (Live)
Professor Martin Pitts, University of Exeter: Three early Roman graves from Exeter reconsidered: moving objects and people in the early Roman West. (Pre-recorded)
Dr Naomi Payne, AC archaeology: Roman finds from Recent Excavations in Exeter. (Live)
Dr Denise Allen, Independent Researcher: Some Interesting New Glass finds from Excavations in Exeter and the South-west. (Live)
Jenny Durrant, University of Leicester/Formerly Royal Albert Memorial Museum: The value of rubble – revisiting Exeter’s Roman tiles. (Pre-recorded)
Dr John Salvatore, formerly Exeter Archaeology: The Lost Venus of Exeter – an ongoing Mystery. (Live)
Grace Jones, Wessex Archaeology: Roman Finds from Sherford New Community, Devon. (Pre-recorded)
Dr Jörn Schuster, ARCHÆOLOGICALsmallFINDS and RFG: Roman veterans in Bath, or who was left behind when the legion moved on. (Pre-recorded)
Richard Henry, University of Reading: Fractured Britannia: Britain and Rome under Count Theodosius and the House of Valentinian. Late Roman material culture in the south west, an initial perspective. (Pre-recorded)
Dr Sam Moorhead and Dr Andrew Brown, British Museum: How the Portable Antiquities Scheme has changed our knowledge of Roman Coin use in the South-West. (live)
Dr Lucy Shipley, Finds Liaison Officer (Devon), Portable Antiquities Scheme: Recent PAS Finds from Devon. (Live)
Ed McSloy, Cotswold Archaeology: A Roman Smithy at Somerton, Somerset and Associated Finds. (Pre-recorded).
Dr Justine Bayley, Historical Metallurgy Society: Crucibles, moulds and more: Roman metalworking finds from the South-West. (Live)
Dr Sian Thomas, Archaeology Wales Ltd.: On the Edge of Empire: Objects and identity in the Roman South-West. (Live).