Here are our latest news stories. You can also follow us on X @RomanFindsGrp.
Call for Papers and Save the Date for the next online conference ‘Recent Research on Roman Finds from the North-West Provinces’.
This willbe a free to attend online event on Friday 8thNovember, with a wide-reaching theme and including speakers from the UK,France, Netherlands, Germany and further afield. The conference will be held via Zoom, with the option to speak live or by sending a pre-recording video. Talks should be…
Roman Altars
An altar has been discovered during recent excavations at Maryport,…
Catch our committee member Sally Worrell on ITV Secret Treasures this week!
Catch our committee member Sally Worrell on ITV Secret Treasures…
Society of Museum Archaeologists training courses
June 29 10am to 3.45pm Archaeological Conservation York Archaeological Trust,…
Please help us to make the Roman Finds Group even better!
Since 1988, the RFG has been a useful forum for…
Archaeological Evidence for Glassworking – Guidelines for Best Practice
Sarah Paynter and David Dungworth English Heritage, Swindon, 2011 This…
Portable Antiquities Website
The Portable Antiquities Scheme website provides information about Scheme, eg…