This study day is being held on Saturday the 17th June, 2017 At the Institute of Archaeology, University College London
The Historical Metallurgy Society in conjunction with the Portable Antiquities Scheme would like to invite submissions for papers for a study day on the metallurgy of our portable heritage. This meeting is aimed at a wide variety of contributors, from archaeological metallurgists, excavators, post-excavation specialists and PAS officers. The meeting is for open to anyone interested in finding out more about metal objects; be they gold, silver, copper alloy or iron.
The day will also include some invited speakers, but proposals for oral papers related to metallurgical aspects of the following topics are welcome:
- Using the PAS data for the analysis and/or interpretation of metal objects or assemblages
- Manufacture and use of small metal objects
- Recent work on small find assemblages from excavations
- New metal finds both from excavations and the PAS
- Metal conservation of our portable heritage
Abstracts of no more than 250 words are due by 31st of January, with the intention of revealing a programme in the middle of February. A colour abstract book will be produced so speakers are invited to also send one colour photo (maximum of 9MB) for inclusion with their abstract.
General enquiries and abstracts can be directed to Eleanor Blakelock at and for latest news and updates please visit the historical metallurgy website.