This year the Roman Finds Group is 30 years old. To celebrate, we’ve organised our 2017 Autumn Meeting in Salisbury, where there will be a special reception. It will be a two-day conference from lunchtime on Friday 20th October until late afternoon on Saturday 21st October and is to be held at Salisbury Museum ( The meeting is being organised jointly by Stephen Greep and Jörn Schuster. RFG are grateful for the support given to arrangements for the meeting by Salisbury Museum.
There are five sessions of papers, with nineteen illustrated talks, on various aspects of finds from British sites concentrating on recent work in South and South-Western Britain. There will be one session concentrating on brooches, led by Justine Bayley, in memory of Sarnia Butcher.
Please note that numbers will be restricted so you are advised to book early. (This is particularly important for the reserved accommodation which will be allocated on a first come first served basis.) The cost of the meeting is the same as for both the York and Reading meetings last year: £40 for fully paid up RFG members, £30 for students, £48 non-members and a £25 day rate (students £20).
The Call for Papers is now closed.