A European working group on ancient crafts and manufactured products
Members of RFG can receive four years’ Instrumentum membership for the price of three, through our group booking scheme.
Formed in 1995, Instrumentum is a European working group on ancient crafts and manufactured products covering the periods from the 5th century BC to the 18th century AD. Its aim is to collect for its members the available information on current research in Europe and the Mediterranean area.
The group publishes a European Bulletin twice a year, prints a newsletter, organises thematic round tables, and also issues a series of monographs. Membership costs 30 Euros (about £25) per year, with a fourth year free if a subscription is taken out for three.
Help us increase the Romano-British presence amongst a wider European small finds community by the provision of extra entries and links to objects in the Instrumentum website!
For further details contact Emma Durham, Instrumentum VP 2015-2017; Department of Archaeology, University of Reading, Whiteknights Box 227, Reading RG6 6AB emma.durham@reading.ac.uk or Isabelle Bertrand, 3 rue Saint-Pierre, F86300 Chauvigny, France, Tel: 0033549463545 ; isabelle.bertrand@alienor.org