Roman Finds Group Films
Our collection of Roman Finds Group films is now online. They are designed to be of interest to finds researchers, archaeologists, students and volunteers.
The Roman Finds Group is very grateful to the Centre for Interdisciplinary Artefact Studies at Newcastle University on the first set of 12 films while a second set of 22 films have been produced with the kind assistance of Museum of London Archaeology and the Museum of London Archaeological Archive.
Our thanks go to the film-makers, Johnny Adair & Will Smith.
The films were made possible with grants from the Roman Research Trust and the Haverfield Bequest.
Why study small finds?
Archaeology is the study of the people of the past.
By looking at the artefacts from the site and arranging them by themes, such as domestic, personal, religious, military or work, it is possible to identify how a site was used and develop a more rounded picture of those who lived there.
Domestic Life
Personal Life

Roman personal ornament: Dress
Alexandra Croom