Roman Finds Group Canterbury Meeting : “Richborough and Beyond”
Saturday 24th –Sunday 25th March 2018 at Kent University (Canterbury Campus)
This coming spring the Roman Finds Group meeting will tie in with a large project on the small finds from the 1920-30s excavations at Richborough. It will be a two day conference from lunchtime on Saturday 24th March until late afternoon on Sunday 25th March and is to be held at Kent University. The meeting is being organised by Philip Smither and the curatorial team from English Heritage, based at Dover Castle.
There are five sessions, with 13 talks on various aspects of the Richborough collection, Roman Kent and beyond. There will also be a special session with objects from the site to discuss the various finds groups from the site.
Please note numbers will be restricted so you are advised to book early. The cost of the meeting is the same as past meetings: £40 for full paid up RFG members, £30 for students, £48 for non-members and a £25 day rate (students £20).
What’s included?
• Access to all conference sessions, finds and poster viewings.
• Tea and coffee as in the programme.
• The chance to view finds and archives from the Richborough collection.
• Drinks reception.
Poster displays/book sales: There will be space for a view posters and the sale of books if this is of interest to anyone. Please contact Philip Smither for poster submissions and book offers/sales.
Getting to Kent University (Canterbury Campus): There are two stations in Canterbury (East and West). There are bus stops close to both stations and can be found on the map. There are three buses to the campus from town: UNI 1, UNI 2 and No. 4. These all stop at the main bus station outside the conference venue. From here the short 2 minute walk to the venue will be signposted.
Evening Reception, 5:10pm: At the end of the first day there will be a small reception downstairs from the confer-ence room including nibbles, wine and soft drinks. There is no charge for the event, but you must indicate on your application form that you are going to attend so we can cater for everyone.
Saturday evening conference meal, 7pm: We have arranged a meal at Wildwood (Italian) which is close to the main bus station in town. We have reserved seats and there should be room for everyone. You will have to pre-order (via RFG) but pay on the night. The cost is £25 which includes a three-course meal, some wine, soft drinks and a small gratuity. You will be required to pre-order, but there will be a good selection of meals.
Accommodation: There is unfortunately no accommodation at the time of the conference on campus. However, there is a Premier Inn and a Travelodge a short walk from the bus station in town. There are also a number of hotels close to Canterbury West station and in the centre of town.
Parking: There will be free parking at the University all weekend.
RFG Spring Conference 2018 Meeting Programme and Timetable
Day One: Saturday 24th March 2018
12.20 Registration (with tea and coffee)
12.50 Welcome : Philip Smither
Session One : Richborough: accessus Britannia
Chair: Kathryn Bedford (Curator, English Heritage)
13.00 Richborough finds: Introducing the collection – Jo Gray (Curator, English Heritage)
13.30 Richborough Past and Present: What do we know so far? – Philip Smither (PhD Student, English Heritage and University of Kent)
14.00 Recent work at Richborough – Tony Wilmott (Senior Archaeologist, Historic England), presented by Nicola Hembrey (Artefacts Analysis – Historic England; RFG Comms Sec)
14.30 Tea, coffee, and biscuits
Session Two: Finds from Richborough
Chair: Philip Smither (PhD Student English Heritage/University of Kent)15.00 Session Welcome
15.10 The Brooches from Richborough – Justine Bayley (Chairman, Roman Finds Group)
15.40 The Richborough worked bone and antler assemblage and its place in the study of similar finds from Roman Britain – Stephen Greep (Roman finds Group)
Keynote Presentation
16.10 From Lindenschmit to Fischer: the Long March of Roman Military Equipment – Mike Bishop (Writer, Publisher and Archaeologist)
16:50 Closing remarks
Conference reception
17.10 RFG Conference Reception at the K-Bar (UKC Campus).
Conference evening meal
20.00 Wildwood Restaurant, 2-3 St Peters Street, Canterbury CT1 2AT
Day Two : Sunday 25th March 2018
9:30 Registration
10:00 Welcome
Session Three : Richborough finds viewing
Chair Justine Bayley (Chairman, Roman Finds Group)
10.10 The Mystery of Pit 20: A votive deposition? – Philip Smither (PhD Student, English Heritage / University of Kent) and Roly Cobbett (Collections Volunteer, English Heritage)
10.30 Richborough finds viewing tables
An open session to view and discuss the different groups of objects from the collection.
11.15 Tea, coffee and biscuits and RFG AGM
Session Four : The Landscape of Roman Kent
Chair Stephen Greep (Roman Finds Group)
11:45 Session Welcome
11:55 Memory and Landscape in Roman East Kent – Lacey Wallace (Senior Lecturer, University of Lin coln)
12.05 Milling and Grain Processing in Roman Kent – Ruth Shaffrey (Post-Excavation Specialist, Ox ford Archaeology) and Elizabeth Blanning
12:25 PAS and Roman Kent Kent – Caroline Farquhar
12:45 Lunch
Session Five : Cross Channel Connections
Chair: Jörn Schuster (Roman Finds Group)
14.00 Session Welcome
14.10 Cross Chanel Connections: Finds from the shore fort at Roman Oudenburg – Sofie Vanhoutte (PhD Student, University of Kent)
14.25 Displaying Identity: Object display in British and Continental museums – Karl
Goodwin (PhD Student, University of Kent)
14:45 Exploring the Post-Roman to Early Anglo-Saxon Transition in SE Britain: New Perspectives from Quoit Brooch Style Metalwork – Ellen Swift (Senior Lecturer, University of Kent)
Summary Talk
15.00 The Way Forward for the Richborough Collection – Philip Smither (PhD Student, English Heritage / University of Kent)
15:20 Closing remarks : Justine Bayley, Chairman RFG
- This event has passed.