**** THIS BOOKING PAGE WILL CLOSE ON 6TH NOVEMBER. THE CONFERENCE LINK WILL BE SENT TO ALL ATTENDEES ON 6TH NOVEMBER**** If you do not receive the link before the conference start, please email conference organiser Katie Mountain – kmountain@pre-construct.com
The Roman Finds Group Autumn 2024 Conference is entitled New Research on Finds from the Roman North-West Provinces. This will be held online via the Zoom platform on Friday 8th November 2024, 10.00-15.15 GMT.
The conference is free for all to attend. Booking must be made via this website. When you book you will receive a confirmation email and the conference link with the final programme and abstracts will be emailed to you closer to the conference date.
New Research on Finds from the Roman North-West Provinces. Friday 8th November 2024. 10.00-15.15 GMT
Conference Programme:
Session One
Chair: Katie Mountain (RFG)
09.50 Zoom in & Welcome
10.00 Dr Edwin Wood (Berkshire Archaeology): Beneath the Hob Nailed Boot: The Roman Army in the ‘civil’ zone of Britannia
10.25 Dr Stefanie Hoss (Portable Antiquities of the Netherlands; University of Cologne): The PAS’s little brother: PAN, the Portable Antiquities of the Netherlands
10.50 Dr Andreas Thiel (Landeamt für Denkmalpflege Baden-Württemberg): A 2nd Century – Late Roman Composite Find
11.15 Rachel Frame (Senior archaeologist for the Magna Project, Vindolanda Trust): Burials, boots, and a balance: Recent finds from the Magna Project
11.40 Coffee Break
Session Two
Chair: TBC
12.00 Leen van Zwieten (NIGRVM PVLLVM/ Ipse de Bruggen) and Wouter Groenendijk (Bodac Den Ouden): Care meets Heritage
12.30 Maria Glanfield (PhD student at The University of Western Ontario, Canada): Applying 3D Scanning to Roman Leather Footwear from Vindolanda to Visualize Footprint Impressions: Results, Benefits, and Challenges
12.55 Tom Hazenberg (Limes Association of the Netherlands): Roman ships of Zwammerdam and the restoration project
12.55 Lunch Break
Session Three
Chair: Barbara Birley (Chair of RFG)
13.30 Jana Wertz (University of Bonn): An ivory object from the late antique cemetery of the legionary camp in Bonn
13.55 Jessy Preiss (Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg): Hares on hares – enamelled Roman animal brooches with a distinctive decoration
14.20 Martina Meyr M.A. (Städtische Museen Rottweil) & Dr Christof Flügel (Archaeological State Collection Munich): An Emperor to Take Away – A new group of brooches from the period of Caracalla
14.45 Jane Laskey (Senhouse Roman Museum): Maryport and the collections at the North-West edge of empire
- This event has passed.