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Date: 18 August , 2022

Time: 18:00 - 19:30

Tickets: Free

Event Category:
Gaming pieces excavated from the Eastern Cemetery of Roman London. Image copyright Museum of London Archaeology.

Zoom in on Roman Finds

A RFG Member only evening seminar

Edwin Wood, University College, London: Disarming Armillae

Armilla were awarded to Roman soldiers for displays of valour on the battlefield. In 2005, Crummy postulated that a particular form of wide cuff bracelet may have been an armilla issued to soldiers serving in the British campaigns. Since 2005 the Portable Antiquities Scheme has expanded and recorded an increasing number of these artefacts. This presentation will re-examine the distribution and decoration of these objects and propose a new interpretation for the finds.

Phil Smither, University of Kent: A New Typology for Late Roman Strap-Ends

Unlike late Roman buckles, first studied by Hawkes and Dunning, the corresponding strap-ends have received less attention. The current typologies are a mismatch of several independent studies and site assemblage analysis. This new typology demonstrates how different forms of strap-end are related, emphasizing the key typological elements in the form. It also demonstrates how the forms evolved through time from their continental development. The distribution of the different forms also shows where new forms appeared and old forms stayed in use.

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