Zoom in on Finds
A RFG Member only seminar (18.00 – 19.15).
The Headstud-Trumpet brooch series and traditions of dress in Roman Britain
Victoria Szafara, University of Leicester
Victoria will discuss her ongoing research into the Headstud-Trumpet series of brooches in Roman Britain. Through an examination of regional brooch-loss patterns, and a sample of more targeted case studies from the northern frontier region, Victoria will discuss how far these fashions may have penetrated in the province, geographically as well as socially, and in turn consider relationships which may have existed between these fasteners, suites of dress, and ‘identity’ in the complex cultural milieu that was Roman Britain
The development of Romano-British disc-brooches: a case study from Northern Britain.
Katie Mountain, Independent Researcher and RFG member
Katie will update her ongoing research on Romano-British enamelled- and gilded- disc-brooches. Using Northern Britain as a useful case-study, Katie looks at the dating, design and distribution of the series, and considers the long-term use of these popular, decorative accessories. Katie will discuss the wider social significances of this brooch type, and the possible chronological and typological connections between Roman and early medieval brooches
The zoom link will be sent closer to the seminar date.
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