Archaeology Conference
The 2022 Autumn Meeting was be held online on the zoom platform. 20 papers and four ‘gallery tours’ .
Conference Programme
Day One: Friday 7th October 2022
Session One
Chair and Welcome: Frances McIntosh (English Heritage/RFG)
- 09.00 Dr David Petts (University of Durham): The Artefactual Evidence for Roman Christianity on the Northern Frontier: Vindolanda and beyond.
- 09.25 Barbara Birley (Vindolanda Trust): Recent Finds from Vindolanda.
- 09.50 Richard Brickstock (Independent Researcher): Severus to Constantine: the ‘Crisis of Empire’, viewed through the coinage of Vindolanda, Housesteads and Corbridge.
- 10.15 Keynote Talk: Dr Sally Cottam (Independent Researcher): ‘Footprints on the Sands of Time’: Jennifer Price and the glass of Hadrian’s Wall and its Hinterland.
- 10.40 Coffee Break
Session Two
Chair: Barbara Birley (Vindolanda Trust/RFG)
- 11.00 Dr John Reid (Trimontium Trust): Webcam tour of Trimontium Museum.
- 11.15 Dr John Reid: Stone Projectiles from the Wall: contexts and concepts.
- 11.45 Andrew Parkin (Great North Museum): The Roman Britain in Colour Project
- 12.10 Dr Louisa Campbell (University of Glasgow): Tracking Trajectories: Projecting Polychromy and Epigraphic Practice on Relief Sculptures from Rome to the Scottish Renaissance
- 12.35 Session end and Lunch
Session Three
Chair: Nicola Hembrey (Historic England/RFG)
- 13.30 Andrew Parkin: Webcam tour of Great North Museum, Newcastle.
- 13.45 Katie Mountain (SANT member/Pre Construct Archaeology): The collections of The Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne.
- 14.10 Dr Tatiana Ivleva (Newcastle University): Exploration into glass bangle and glass working crafts in the Roman frontier zone of Britain.
- 14.35 Dr Sarah Paynter (Historic England): Discovering indigenous colouring techniques in glass bangles (co-authored paper).
- 15.00 Eniko Hudak (Newcastle University): Zoomorphic Mortaria from Piercebridge and parallels in Britain and on the Continent.
- 15.15 Coffee Break
Session Four
Chair: Katie Mountain (Pre-Construct Archaeology/RFG)
- 15.35 Frances McIntosh (English Heritage): Webcam tour of Corbridge Museum.
- 15.50 Frances McIntosh (English Heritage: Casino at Coria; gaming pieces at Corbridge.
- 16.15 Lorena Hitchens (Newcastle University): Dodecahedra from Corbridge, South Shields and Newcastle.
- 16.40 Catherine Teitz (Stanfield University): The Corbridge Finds Project: Computational Approaches to Legacy Data.
- 17.05 Session end
Day Two: Saturday 8th October 2022
Session Five
Chair: Dr Stephen Greep (RFG)
- 09.30 Lindsay Allason-Jones (Hon Fellow, Newcastle University): Roman Newcastle and Benwell: an exercise in comparing sculpture.
- 09.55 Dr Rob Collins (Newcastle University): Finds from Recent excavations at Corbridge.
- 10.20 Alex Croom (Arbeia Roman Fort): Web Cam tour of the Museum at South Shields Fort.
- 10.45 Alex Croom: Finds from the Chesters Bridge Abutment.
- 11.10 Coffee Break
Session Six
Chair: Dr Denise Allen (RFG)
- Dr Thomas Derrick (University of Leicester): Consuming unguentaria in north-eastern England under the Romans.
- 11.55 Richard Carlton (Newcastle University and The Archaeological Practice): Finds from recent excavations at High Rochester Roman fort and Rattenraw enclosure, Redesdale.
- 12.20 Andrew Agate (FLO for Northumberland and Tyneside) and Benjamin Westwood (FLO for County Durham, Darlington and Teesside): Recent Roman finds from Northeast England, the view from the Portable Antiquities Scheme.
- 13.00 CONCLUSIONS AND END: Dr Stephen Greep, Chairman RFG
- This event has passed.