Archaeology Conference
The 2021 Autumn Roman Finds Group Conference held in association with King’s College London was entitled Roman Finds from Infrastructure Projects. Ongoing uncertainties about the pandemic have meant that it was, once again, more practical to hold the meeting online, this time using the Teams platform, supported by King’s College. The day consisted of illustrated papers presented in blended content (some pre-recorded and some live) on Monday 18th October. The Conference organisers are Jenny Hall, Denise Allen and Stephen Greep of RFG and Dr John Pearce of King’s College London.
Conference Programme
Session One
Chair: Dr John Pearce (King’s College London)
- 09.30 Welcome
Rail – HS2
- 09.40 Dr John Halsted (HS2) – Defining regional and cultural distinctiveness in late Iron Age and Romano-British settlement across the route of HS2 Phase 1: a summary of results to date. (Live)
Sewers – London’s Thames Tideway
- 10.05 Mike Curnow (MOLA) – Tideway Site 4: Barn Elms- Going to Town on an Iron Age Oppidum?
- 10.35 Charlotte Burn (MOLA) – Barn Elms – A Late Iron Age ceramic assemblage from London.
Session Two
Chair: Nicola Hembrey
Rail – London’s Thameslink
- 11.30 Berni Seddon (Pre-Construct Archaeology) – A Roman bath-house in Southwark.
- 12.00 Dr James Gerrard (Newcastle University) – Seal boxes and other small things in Southwark: the Roman finds from Thameslink. (Live)
Roads & by-passes
- 12.20 Dr James Gerrard (Newcastle University) – LIA and Roman Finds from the A684 Bedale By-pass. (Live)
- 12.45 Session end and lunch
Session Three
Chair: Frances McIntosh
- 13.45 Ed McSloy (Cotswold Archaeology) – Discovering the Missing Link: Finds from A417 Missing Link evaluation, Birdlip, Gloucestershire.Underground – London’s Crossrail
- 14.10 Francis Grew (Museum of London) − Planning a Roman display for the new Museum of London.
- 14.35 Michael Marshall (MOLA) – Revisiting the finds from Crossrail Broadgate Tickethall: Placing a London extramural finds assemblage in context. (Live)
- 15.00 Tea break
A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon
- 15.30 Michael Marshall (MOLA Headland Infrastructure) – A first look at the Late Iron Age and Roman small finds and glass from the A14 Huntingdon to Cambridge Excavations. (Live)
- 15.45 Jemma Moorhouse (Reading Masters Student) – Iron Age and Roman copper- alloys from the A14 excavations: integrating and assessing the use of p-XRF analysis in a large infrastructure project. (Pre-recorded)
- 16.00 Lanah Hewson (Reading Masters Student) – How effective is purposive sampling, using the A14C2H project as a case study? (Live)
- 16.15 Adam Sutton (MOLA) – Introducing the Lower Ouse Valley: Characterising a major new Early Roman pottery industry in southern Cambridgeshire.
- 16.40 Dr Ruth Shaffrey (Oxford Archaeology South) – ‘What a difference a road makes’: How the querns and millstones from the A14 excavations enhance our understanding of cereal processing in central−southern Roman Britain.
- 17.00 Closing remarks and end – Dr Stephen Greep (Chairman RFG)
- This event has passed.