Lucerna Newsletters

Current and recent print editions of Lucerna are available solely to members of the Roman Finds Group. Published twice-yearly, this newsletter is now past its 60th edition.

Lucerna contains all that this website does, and even more: articles submitted by members, recently-discovered artefacts, appeals for help with identification, as well as information on all the page headings above, in greater detail, such as summaries of study days and conferences, book reviews and forthcoming events.

Contributions are always welcome – short notes or longer articles – so please send them to our editor Frances McIntosh (see ‘RFG Committee’ page), and share your knowledge, information and requests with the rest of the Roman Finds Group.

Older editions of Lucerna are available to download free of charge below. More recent editions of Lucerna, along with all RFG Datasheets, can be accessed via our ‘members login’ area, at the top of this page.

(Please note that contact details of current committee members should be taken from our ‘RFG Committee’ page above, not from these archive Lucernae.)

4 covers of Lucerna

Index to Online Lucerna

Members may download all copies of Lucerna from their membership page. Non-members may download copies that are over 2 years old. We have provided an index of the main articles included in each issues.

Lucerna 66, June 2024

Alex BlissAn unusual copper alloy knife from Coltishall, Norfolk11
Frances McIntoshFinds from the Store: Weighing Equipment from Corbridge18
Eniko HudakWanted: lead pottery repairs 19
Dave Allen and Garrard ColePost-Roman Rockbourne – The Man in Room XIV
Natasha Harlow
Grant Report: Finds Illustrations from Caistor Roman Town22
Lucerna 63 cover

Lucerna 66, June 2024

Alex BlissAn unusual copper alloy knife from Coltishall, Norfolk11
Frances McIntoshFinds from the Store: Weighing Equipment from Corbridge18
Eniko HudakWanted: lead pottery repairs 19
Dave Allen and Garrard ColePost-Roman Rockbourne – The Man in Room XIV20
Natasha HarlowGrant Report: Finds Illustrations from Caistor Roman Town22

Lucerna 65, Jan 2024

Dr Elizabeth M. FouldsFinds from the Store: A complete unguentarium from the Corbridge Museum collection17
Cameron Moffett, English HeritageThe tools for the job: a brief note on a variant chatelaine set from Wroxeter19
Katie Marsden, with metallurgical analysis from Peter NorthoverTwo pewter bowls from Highfields Farm, Derbyshire 21

Lucerna 64, Jan 2023

John Pearce and Sally WorrellHair and Hounds – New evidence for zoomorphic terminals on hairpins from Roman Britain6
Frances McIntoshFound in the Store14
Stephen GreepMy Favourite…Ivory15
Claire Collier-Jones and Ed McSloy, Cotwold ArchaeologyA Worked Bone Sword Handguard from Gloucester (Glevum)19

Lucerna 63, July 2022

Davis, Glynn J. C.Jar Pendants from Roman Britain: Reconsidering the Ivory Bangle Lady’s Earrings’7-15
Ben PaitesRoman inscriptions at Colchester Museums 16-17

Lucerna 62, Jan 2022

Anneke HakenbrochExploring the Ordinary – Making the most of Vindolanda’s Wooden Pegs8
Nina Crummy and Glynn J. C. DavisDecoding the Dead: The discovery of the ‘Cage’ Amulet at Colchester 15

Lucerna 61, July 2021

Nicola HurtToward a typology of hare and hound folding knife handles.  7
Lisa Brundle, Laura Burnett, John Pearce,
Lucy Shipley and Sally Worrell
The Leasingham horse and other animals: three zoomorphic objects reported to the
Portable Antiquities Scheme in 2020
Barbara Birley and Stephen GreepA New Antler Roundel Pendant with Phallic Decoration from Vindolanda 16

Lucerna 60, January 2021

John Pearce‘If you love me…’ An Inscribed Brooch from Orton, Northants5
Stephen GreepTwo-Piece Bone Hairpins with Carved Busts from Roman Britain9

Lucerna 59, July 2020

Glynn J.C. Davis & Martin HenigThe Recent Re-discovery of Roman and Later Intaglios at Colchester Museums7
John Pearce, Angie Bolton & Sally WorrellLove Handles: A Roman Folding Knife with a Sex Scene from Mappleborough Green, Warwickshire20

Lucerna 58, January 2020

Adam ParkerA Marble Relief of the ‘All-Suffering Eye’ in Woburn Abbey6
Roland CobbettThe Colliton Park Dice Tower and others Made of Wood and Bone10

Lucerna 57, July 2019

Summer L. Courts and Timothy M. PennA Corpus of Gaming Boards from Roman Britain4
Alastair WillisAn Anthropomorphic Cosmetic Mortar from Flintham, Nottinghamshire13

Lucerna 56, January 2019

Gil Burleigh and Ralph JacksonAImages of Silenius from the Territoriu, of Romano-British Baldock4
Natasha HarlowRoman Bone Gaming Counters from Caistor St Edmund8

Lucerna 55, July 2018

Michael MarshallAn Anthropomorphic Clasp-Knife Handle
from the Thames Foreshore at London
Jörn SchusterIs there such a thing as a Roman Slate Stylus?8

Lucerna 54, January 2018

Gil BurleighFinds from Sacred Places in the
Landscape around Romano-British Baldock
Piercebridge, County DurhamMystery Objects19

Lucerna 53, June 2017

Michael MarshallStained Bone Hairpins from Roman London6
RFGSpring Conference, St Albans11
Can you help?Linchpins and a Silver Finger-ring6

Lucerna 52, January 2017

Adam ParkerA Copper-Bowl with Phallic Decoration from Trier,
in the Collection of the Yorkshire Museum
Martin J. DearneA Crossed Line:
A Slightly Different (?Military) Harness Mount
Adam ParkerMystery Object:
A Gold Plaque in the Yorkshire Museum
David SherlockBringing Writing Tablets to Life11

Lucerna 51, June 2016

Glynn J.C. DavisBone Spatulate Strips From Roman London6
Tatiana IvlevaOngoing Research:
Global Glass Adornments Event Horizon in the
Late Iron Age and Roman Period Frontiers
(100 BC – AD 250)

Lucerna 50, January 2016

Ben PaitesThe Manufacture and Symbolism of Radiating
Designs on Brooches in Roman Britain
John Pearce, Sally Worrell and Frank BasfordMars, Roma or Love. Actually?
A New Monogram Brooch from Britain
Philip SmitherOngoing Research:
Romano-British Weighing Instruments

Lucerna 49, July 2015

Humphreys, 0wen and Marshall, Michael“The same, but different”: a miscellany of ‘Bügelzangen’ and related objects from Roman London4-14
K. Adams, D. Boughton, A. Byard, R. Griffiths, M. Phelps, D. Williams, J. Pearce and S. WorrellFrom figurines to fob-danglers: finds from PAS25-29

Lucerna 48, January 2015

Barbara Birley,Keeping up appearances: the wooden hair combs from Vindolanda5
Gill DunnRecent finds from Chester focusing on finds from the amphitheatre5

Lucerna 47, July 2014

Greep, Stephen and Marshall, MichaelBrigantian immigrants to Londinium? New finds of perforated bone ‘spoons’2-7
Worrell, SallyMystery objects (bronze ?vessel fragment with relief, gilded disc brooch, and ithyphallic figurines)21

Lucerna 46, January 2014

Dobson, RebeccaRitual or refuse? A summary of an artefact assemblage from the river Tees, Piercebridge2-4
Lydamore, Chris with Hall, Jenny and Jackson, RalphNodge Nolan obituary5-6
Greep, StephenRed deer at the end of Roman Britain- a change in diet, hunting practices or new industrial processes?7-9

Lucerna 45, July 2013

 Wardle, Angela and Marshall, Michael  Two obsidian objects from Roman London (probably handles)1-2
Worrell, Sally and Pearce, JohnA selection of Roman artefacts recorded by the Portable Antiquities Scheme in 20124-8
Greep, StephenSome more fishes? (bone fish pendants)13
Bowsher, Julian and Marshall, MichaelA first glance at two prehistoric objects from Roman London 

Lucerna 44, January 2013

Cool, Hilary; Briggs, Stephen; Irving, Pam; Ward, Margaret; Henig, MartinGlenys Lloyd-Morgan: an appreciation; the life; the young archaeologist; Glenys at Chester; Glenys and Venus1-5
Crummy, NinaGlenys Lloyd-Morgan: a bibliography5-8
Swift, EllenAn Iron Age helmet from Kent9
Henig, MartinThe Silchester eagle: a comment32-33

Lucerna 43, July 2012

Durham, EmmaThe Silchester eagle7-8
Greep, StephenFive little fishes…or more? (bone fish pendants)8-11
Mackreth, DonaldDragonesque brooches (list including PAS items)11-12
de Jersey, PhilipJersey: a new coin hoard (iron age coins)12
Friendship-Taylor, RoyMystery object13

Lucerna 42, January 2012

Friendship-Taylor, Roy and Greep, StephenA Claudian pit-group of bone hinges and box fittings from a ‘military’ latrine pit beneath the Piddington phase 1b proto-villa2-9
Mackreth, DonaldBrooches needing a home (plea from specialist who wants to return finds to excavators)9-10
Statton, MichelleA follow-up on the AHRC collaborative doctoral awards, with an introduction to a study on dress, adornment and identity in late Iron Age and Roman Britain16-19

Lucerna 41, July 2011

Aggujaro, AngelaRoman razor from Bishop’s Cleeve, Cheltenham3-5
Ferris, IainImages of disabled and Africans/black people (plea for information)7

Lucerna 40, January 2011

Dearne, MartinA flagon lid from Enfield and a note on the type3-5

Lucerna 39, September 2010

Feugère, MichelThe Artefacts Project: an encyclopaedia of archaeological small finds4-6

Lucerna 38, July 2009

McIntosh, FrancesWirral brooch: a regional variant of Roman bow brooch3-5
Sherlock, DavidTowards a typology of Romano-British spoons5-8
Reynolds, JulieA puzzling object from South Wales- any clues gratefully received (unusual pair of tweezers)8
Payne, Naomi and Durham, EmmaThe little horse from Chalk Pit Field, Sedgeford, Norfolk.9-10
McIntosh, FrancesBrooch patterns? (lead trumpet brooch)10

Lucerna 37, March 2009

Daubney, AdamRomano-British ‘ToT’ rings- some variations3-4
Crummy, NinaEvidence for an Isis cult in Colchester4-5
Timby, Jane and Rigby, ValGallo-Belgic pottery database5
Hobbs, RichardBritish Museum collections now just one click away6-7
Friendship Taylor, Roy (with Feugère, Michel)Mystery object identified (as Etruscan strainer) (see Lucerna 35)13-14

Lucerna 36, July 2008

O’Riordan, Emma JaneSmall finds in the bigger picture: 3D scanning of archaeological objects for education and interpretation3-10
Henig, MartinA valedictory forbidding mourning (retrospective on his career as a small finds expert)10-11
Dearne, MartinA little poser from Enfield (possible Roman horse harness mount)11-13

Lucerna 35, March 2008

Dawson, Alan‘Minerva’ wax spatula handle from near Norwich2
Friendship-Taylor, RoyMystery object2
Williams, SandiePlea for bells3
Scott, WendyPossible temple site in Leicestershire3

Lucerna 34, December 2007

Webb, DaveA patera/trulleum from Clay Farm, Cambridgeshire. Notes from ongoing research and the development of an online resource2-5
Lydamore, ChrisA bath saucer from near Harlow, Essex6
Lydamore, ChrisA possible method of producing barbed projectile heads in the late Roman period6-8

Lucerna 33, March 2007

Mould, QuitaA double-headed button and loop fastener from Reighton, North Yorkshire2-6
Shaffrey, RuthThe puddingstone rotary querns from Springhead Roman town, Kent6-10

Lucerna 32, September 2006

Kiernan, PhilipThe Roman model objects project2-3
Hobbs, RichardUnusual silver spoon fragment4
Crummy, NinaA jug handle from Silchester4-6

Lucerna 31, January 2006

Schuster, Jorn et alA late 5th – 6th century context (for a brooch) from Springhead, Kent2-3
Jackson, RalphUnusual greyhound brooch4

Lucerna 30, September 2005

Hill, JD & Crummy, NinaLate Iron-Age shears from Hertfordshire2-4
Pooley, LauraA gilded bone hairoin from Colchester5
Puls, JodiRoman hairpins from Hampshire6
Watters, JulianFigurine of Harpcrates7
Hobbs, RichardUnusual Roman ‘test piece’8
Williams, SandieTwo bone stoppers from Silchester9
Jackson, RalphAn enamelled bronze pan from Staffordshire Moorlands, England: a souvenir from Hadrian’s Wall10

Lucerna 29, January 2005

Palmer, JohnCatalogue of Roman Purbeck mortars2-4
Major, HilaryA pincer-type brooch from Southwark5
Booth, PaulLate Roman spurs from Lankhills, Winchester6
Crummy, NinaAn unusual lamp from Colchester7
Reece, RichardThe new Corinium Museum8-9
Williams, SandieTubular ferrules9-11
Cool, HilaryBrooches and moulds from Dymock22

Lucerna 28, July 2004

Jackson, RalphAn unusual weapon find from Roman Britain2-3
Wallace, Colin(Portable) pine cone symbolism in Roman Britain4-6
Friendship-Taylor, RoyA new pair of Agathangelus type tweezers from Piddington Roman villa6
Eckardt, Hella & Crummy, NinaPresenting the body – toilet instruments in Roman Britain7
Tracey, JustinePurbeck marble inscriptions in Silchester8-10
Minter, FayeStrap fasteners from Suffolk12-14
Worrell, SallySome new late Roman rivet spurs20-22
Crummy, NinaUsing the Portable Antiquities Scheme data for research (using nail cleaners as a source)23-27

Lucerna 27, January 2004

Major, HilaryThe dating of Puddingstone querns2-4
Bolton, AngieOx-head bucket mounts – a plea for details4-5
Cool, HilaryA soldier from Herculaneum5-7
Hoffman, BirgittaA brief note on the end date of the Cipius Polybius skillets8-9
Herepath, NickA survey of Roman brooches from Cheshire9-12
Herepath, Nick‘Jelly baby’ mounts from Yorkshire13
Crummy, NinaAnd there’s more (wax  spatula handles)21
Tongue, JamesSeal boxes from Britain – a morphological review23-41

Lucerna 26, July 2003

Jackson, RalphA new treasure and a new goddess for Roman Britain2-4
Crummy, NinaHunter-god handle from Yorkshire5-6
McSloy, EdA zoomorphic clasp-knife handle from Gloucester6-8
Cambridge, Owen & Watt, TommyThe northernmost Roman brooch from Britain8
Feugere, MichelPenknives from Newstead: writing accessories9-11
Hobbs, RichardNew iron Age site from East Leicestershire12-14
Pugsley, PaolaPasta shapes14-15
Croom, AlexSexing brooches16-19

Lucerna 25, January 2003

Eckardt, Hella & Hobbs, RichardAn unusual decorated candlestick from Springhead, Kent2-5
Robinson, Dan & Clarke, VanessaPossible temple inscription found in Chester6
Grew, Francis & Brown, GaryLondiniensium – cast in stone7-8
Snape, MargaretA worked stone from the vicus at South Shields (Arbeia)8
Jackson, Ralph & Friendship-Taylor, RoyThe Piddington gladiator clasp-knife9-11
Hill, JDA pair of silver penannular brooches from Wheathampstead11-12
Wardle, AngelaIvory implements from London12-13
Worrell, SallyMore Minerva bust wax spatula handles13
Crummy, NinaOther types of wax spatula from Britain14-17

Lucerna 24, July 2002

Pugsley, PaolaAn item of Roman coopered furniture from Dorchester (Dorset)7-10
Worrell, SallySome portable antiquities from Hampshire and Wiltshire13-14
Geake, HelenNew wax spatula from Suffolk14-15
Greep, StephenMore amulets (Silchester)15
Eckardt, HellaCandlesticks in Roman Britain15-16
Cool, HilaryThe Catterick Gallus18-21

Lucerna 23, January 2002

Major, HilaryRoman decorated iron styli2-6
Crummy, NinaWax spatula handle from Yorkshire6-8
Johns, CatherineA gold amulet-pendant from Eaton Constantine, Shropshire9-10
Dunn, GillianBronze vessels from Middlewich11
Eckardt & CrummyIvory folding-knife handle from Silchester12-13
Abauzit, PierreNo more mystery? Bone phalluses – an explanation for the mystery widgets in Lucerna 2213-14
Harrison, EmmaBox appeal – boxes found from Grateley South, Hants14-15
Codreanu-Windauer, Silvia & Bartei, Antja(Trans, Eckardt & Crummy)Spindle, Whorl, Pot – a remarkable group of grave goods from Bavaria17-27

Lucerna 22, July 2001

Crummy, NinaNail-cleaners: regionality at the clean edge of Empire2-6
Wardle, AngelaMystery widgets – 2 unusual bone objects from London7
Stokes, Mike with contributions from Henig, M & Johns, CRings and things7-8
Pugsley, PaolaEtruscan hinged shoes9-10
Penny, StephenLead salt pans11
Cotton, JonBibliography of sets of gaming counters12-13

Lucerna 21, January 2001

Pugsley, PaolaOf Timotei and boxwood combs3-6
Hembrey, NicolaHelp needed – mystery sandstone ?table fragment7
Crummy, NinaToy storey – stacked counters from Colchester7
Carter, BarryTwo lead bull heads from Cambridgeshire7-8
Paynton, CeinwenButton-and-loop fasteners in a Roman province: A step towards a regional typology?8-9
Pugsley, PaolaWooden combs and niche markets9-10

Lucerna 20, July 2000

Cooke, NickAntler combs, big hair and the Mafia in late Roman Britain – an e-mail correspondence3-7
Eckardt, HellaAn imported candlestick from Silchester8
Crummy, NinaAn unusual brooch from Heybridge8-9
Carter, BarryA lead model from St Albans10
Crummy, Nina et alAgathangelus stamp10-11
Snape, MargaretSome unusual brooches from Arbeia Roman fort, South Shields12

Lucerna 19, January 2000

Cool, HilaryHairstyles and lifestyles3-6
Crummy, NinaA late Roman grave group from Durobrivae7-10

Lucerna 18, July 1999

Cool HilarySurfing the database9-10
Allason-Jones, LindsayGilding the black lily11-12
Carter BarryLead brooches from Gloucester12-13

Lucerna 17, January 1999

Cooper, NickMystery objects from excavations at Scole, Norfolk/Suffolk 1993-943-6
Crimmins, Julia &Keally, ClaireA fibula in Dublin6-8

Lucerna 16, July 1998

Riddler, IanHone News from Abroad:  The Clausentium Lamella3
Guest, PeterJohns, CatherineThe Hoxne Hoard – an update4-8

Lucerna 15, March 1998

Dearne, MartinResearch into Brooch Catchplate Return Decoration3-4
Allen, VincentMystery objects from Clausentium- bone objects6

Lucerna 14, July 1997

Pollard, RichardA ceramic cult figure from LeicesterLonger version published in Britannia 29 (1998)2-4
Hoffman, BirgittaMillefiori gaming counters5-6
Ponting, MatthewRoman Military Metalwork from Masada and Gamla, Israel: the chemistry of soldier and civilian in first century Palestine7-9

Lucerna 13, January 1997

Cool, HilaryPanelled enamel vessels2-3

Lucerna 12, August 1996

Snape, MargaretFirst century brooches on the northern frontier2-5

Lucerna 11, April 1996

Mackreth, DonColchesters in the North5-8
Seeley, FionaAn enigmatic object from Scole12

Lucerna 10, November 1995

Wallace, ColinGallo-Roman clay figurines: how to find your way around the literature2-5
Dearne, MartinSpoon brooches6
Wise, PhilipA fragment of Roman silver plate from Ratley and Upton7-8

Lucerna 9, June 1995

Dearne, MartinA burning question (Roman coal use in Britain) (Later article published:Dearne, M. I. & Branigan K. The use of coal in Roman Bntain Ant. J.75 (1995), 71-105)3-4
Seeley, FionaRoman doorbells5-6

Lucerna 8, March 1994

Croom, Alex & Snape, MargaretGrave goods from the cemetery at Arbeia Roman fort, South Shields1-2

Lucerna 7, April 1993

Lucerna 6, July 1992

Cool, HilaryIntroducing – Empty Vessels Signifying Something: An introduction to the common types of drinking vessels found on Romano-British sites4-8
Kennett, D HIntroducing – An Introduction to late Roman bronze vessels and their literature9-13

Lucerna 5, February 1992

Snape, MargaretA Roman or Sub Roman Brooch 2-3
Clay, PatrickLead seal rewrites history– Roman lead seal from Thorpe by Glebe4-5

Lucerna 4, September 1991

Mackreth, DonBrooch stamps in third-century Britain2-3
Appleton, GrahamAn introduction to the literature on Roman garden decoration with special reference to sculpture4-8

Lucerna 3, January 1991

Jones, ChristineAnnum Novum Faustum Felicem Mihi!- Ceramic lamp celebrating the New Year3-4
Davies, JohnA late Roman bronze punch from Hampshire5-7
Dearne, MartinA Hebridean brooch8
Bishop, MikeAn introduction to the literature on Lorica Segmentata9-12
Davies, JohnAn introduction to the literature on Roman coins from British sites13-16

Lucerna 2, Spring 1990

Evans, DavidColumn base from the extra-mural settlement at Caerleon: Gwent7-9
Jones, ChristineAn identification problem unhinged – bone hinges10-12
Lloyd-Morgan, GlynnisAn introduction to Roman mirrors and their literature13-18

Lucerna 1, Autumn 1989

Bayley, JustineCastleford moulds – bronze flask(Request for parallels)4
Clay, PatrickA Roman clasp knife from the Shires excavation, Leicester5-6
Cool, HilaryAn introduction to the literature on Romano-British brooches8-12
Duncan, HollyRoman boxwood comb13-15