Instrumentum International Meetings: Vehicles in Antiquity and Middle

Instrumentum International Meetings: Vehicles in Antiquity and Middle

Ages 13th – 16th June 2017 Arles (F, Bouches-du-Rhône) The next Instrumentum Meeting will be in Arles, at the Museum of Antiquity, co-organised by the Conseil Départemental des Bouches-du-Rhône and the LabEx Archimède – ASM « Archéologie des Sociétés Méditerranéennes » UMR 5140 (Univ Montpellier…

Hadrian’s Cavalry Exhibition April to September 2017 Various sites along Hadrian’s Wall

Hadrian’s Cavalry Exhibition April to September 2017 Various sites along Hadrian’s Wall

Hadrian’s Cavalry Exhibition is a dispersed exhibition taking in 10 of the Museums along Hadrian’s Wall that will bring national, international and private collection loans together for the first time. The exhibition aims to tell the tale of Roman cavalry regiments and their key role…

TRAC 2017

TRAC 2017

28th – 31st MarchCalman Learning Centre, University Science Site, Durham University, Durham Durham University is hosting the Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference (TRAC) 2017, one of the biggest gathering of Roman archaeologists and classical scholars in the world. Interdisciplinary and international, Durham TRAC will be bringing…



28 January 2017 until 3 June 2018Rijksmuseum van Oudheden(National Museum of Antiquities)Rapenburg 28, 2311 EW Leiden, Netherlands Fibulae is a small exhibition about the clothing accessories that turn up most frequently in archaeologists’ finds: brooches known as fibulae. These brooches were used to fasten items…

Roman Rural Settlement Project – Feedback Needed and Meeting on 14th September 2016

Roman Rural Settlement Project – Feedback Needed and Meeting on 14th September 2016

An aspect of the Roman Rural Settlement Project has been to review current commercial approaches to the investigation, analysis and dissemination of work on rural settlements and landscapes in Britain. Members of the project team and others have produced a series of short papers concerning…

Fully funded AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award PhD studentship between the University of Kent and English Heritage

Fully funded AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award PhD studentship between the University of Kent and English Heritage

The Studentship:  ‘Army communities at Roman Richborough: an analysis of the Roman military assemblage’ The Richborough archive collection, held by English Heritage, is one of the most important and extensive assemblages of Roman material in Britain, yet since excavation in the early twentieth century it has…