Sexing brooches

Sexing brooches

Since brooches in the ancient world were overwhelmingly functional their use is inextricably connected to the clothing they fastened. In many ways they should be viewed as part of the clothing itself, in the same way that buttons are today. The Edict of Justinian shows…

Pasta Shapes

Pasta Shapes

The vexed question whether the ancient Romans ate pasta is nowhere near a solution. Finds of spaghetti remains are a pretty unlikely occurrence. That said it is no reason not to indulge in some blue sky research. The invention of pasta, basically a combination of…

Restrospect and Prospect

Restrospect and Prospect

Sat 4 November 2017 10:00 – 18:00 GMT Senate House, London This year’s Roman Society Day Conference will celebrate 50 years of the journal Britannia. The conference will explore the highlights of the last 50 years of Romano-British archaeology, with an emphasis not just on excavation…