Call for Papers and Save the Date for the next online conference ‘Recent Research on Roman Finds from the North-West Provinces’. 

Call for Papers and Save the Date for the next online conference ‘Recent Research on Roman Finds from the North-West Provinces’. 

This willbe a free to attend online event on Friday 8thNovember, with a wide-reaching theme and including speakers from the UK,France, Netherlands, Germany and further afield.  The conference will be held via Zoom, with the option to speak live or by sending a pre-recording video. Talks should be…

Sounds of Roman Egypt

Sounds of Roman Egypt

22nd January 2019 – 22nd April 2019 A free exhibition bringing to life the soundscape of Egypt during the Roman period. An AHRC-funded collaboration between the University of Kend, Manchester Metropolitan University, and the Petrie Museum at UCL. Petrie Museum of Eqyptian Archaeology, University College…